Platform promoting civil society’s role in biodiversity protection and action against the effects of climate change. Developed by IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature, Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation).
Platform promoting civil society’s role in biodiversity protection and action against the effects of climate change. Developed by IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature, Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation).

Why support civil society?
Rooted in local realities, Civil Society Organizations are drivers of social innovation and actively contribute to transforming society. Their value is clear: they have the flexibility and tools to initiate new collective responses to environmental and socioeconomic development issues. But a lack of visibility and clarity is penalizing the organizations, which need tailored support to strengthen their action on the ground and collaboration with public services. That is the founding purpose of Mubadarat, from the Arabic ‘initiative’, which works to support these essential instigators of change more effectively in local areas.
About us
Mubadarat is a platform that promotes North African civil society’s work in nature conservation and sustainable development.
It showcases IUCN support programmes for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in North Africa, their actions’ impact on biodiversity protection and their contribution to local development through testimonials from all parties.
Mubadarat also raises funds to support CSOs in launching their project, building their capacities and collaborating with all stakeholders. 95 CSOs have already been supported in four North African countries: Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia. Read more…
Mubadarat promotes the work of civil society in various areas, always reflecting local specificities to target priority areas.
A synergistic global network
As a grouping of members, the International Union for Conservation of Nature relies on the input of 37 IUCN member Civil Society Organizations. With their own efforts and resources, they are contributing to establishing the IUCN North Africa Programme. As well as influencing regional conservation efforts, members will benefit from networking opportunities and involvement in political, economic and social decision-making.
Mubadarat promotes the work of IUCN members on its website and in its newsletter. The list of members can be consulted in the member area. You will also find details of how to join the Union.
"It’s very important to increase cooperation with the southern shores of the Mediterranean. We share numerous challenges and urgent problems, and it’s essential to work together to improve living conditions in the region." Joan FORTUNY, General Directorate for Cooperation of the Balearic Islands
"Having a network of members with the necessary capacities, tools and resources will be invaluable to help countries achieve conservation goals and meet their commitments under international conventions and environmental treaties." Maher MAHJOUB, IUCN Mediterranean
"There’s growing awareness, and growing assurance, among communities. That comes from having such a successful programme, which isn’t imposed from the outside but led by local stakeholders, with people who live there. There’s no better springboard." Constance CORBIER-BARTHAUX, FFEM
"In financing these programmes, the MAVA Foundation is investing in the future. We think that supporting small organizations is essential: they have a legitimacy and leverage to act at local level that other parties don’t necessarily have." Simon MÉRIAUX, MAVA
"With PPI-OSCAN, we’ve opened up new avenues and our environmental corridors project was highlighted by IUCN as an example of a nature-based solution. LACT is using the new funding to continue its work." Amira SANSA/LACT, Tunisia
"Its approach to providing support is innovative because it engages young NGOs in nature conservation. It contributes to conservation projects and works with public bodies." Zouhair AMHAOUCH, Morocco’s Agence Nationale des Eaux et Forêts