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  • From March 1st to 3rd, 2024, the IRADA Association for the Development of Tozeur organized a regional camp on the theme "For Sustainable and Solidary ...

    Published On: April 5th, 2024Categories: Actualités, news, news
  • As part of its ongoing commitment to the North African civil society for sustainable development and biodiversity conservation, Mubadarat has launched a campaign of communication ...

    Published On: April 5th, 2024Categories: Actualités, news, news
  • Bouhachem Park, located in northern Morocco, is a true biodiversity treasure, harboring an impressive variety of plant and animal species. Classified as a Site of ...

    Published On: April 5th, 2024Categories: Actualités, news, news
  • In the heart of southern Tunisia, the oases of Kebili stand as life sanctuaries in the arid desert. However, these havens of biodiversity are now ...

    Published On: April 5th, 2024Categories: Actualités, news, news
  • During the Libyan Clean Expo for Environment exhibition, aimed at highlighting the role of Libyan civil organizations in environmental awareness and sustainable solutions, the Libyan ...

    Published On: April 5th, 2024Categories: Actualités, news, news
  • Nestled along the Mediterranean coast, the coastal city of Zuwara in Libya provides essential refuge for migratory birds. With its vast wetlands, coastlines, and fertile ...

    Published On: April 5th, 2024Categories: Actualités, news, news
  • Six new projects for the conservation of biodiversity and the resilience of Mediterranean communities to climate change received a grant from the third phase of ...

    Published On: April 5th, 2024Categories: Actualités, news, news
  • IUCN-Med's Civil Society Support Strategy, called Mubadarat, encompasses the PPI OSCAN and TransCap programmes. This year 49 organisations are benefiting from a grant from one ...

    Published On: November 17th, 2023Categories: Actualités, news
  • This year marks the 7th edition of the Green Week in Morocco, a prominent environmental awareness event organized in the city of Nador. Every summer, ...

    Published On: November 15th, 2023Categories: news
  • On September 10, 2023, the Daniel storm hit the east of Libya, causing two dams near the city of Derna to fail. Over two nights, ...

    Published On: November 14th, 2023Categories: Actualités, news
  • Wetlands are ecosystems where water is the primary factor controlling the environment and the associated plant and animal life. Despite covering only about 6% of ...

    Published On: November 14th, 2023Categories: news
  • The first laboratory for the biological treatment of agricultural crops has been established in Ghzela, in the governorate of Bizerte, Tunisia. This laboratory aims to ...

    Published On: November 13th, 2023Categories: Actualités, news
  • Bassem Nasrem, agronomist and coordinator of the "Green Protein Bank" project, represents, like many young people, the involvement of Tunisian youth in civil society to ...

    Published On: November 13th, 2023Categories: Actualités, news
  • For the past few months, the Nissae Bades cooperative, located in the Al Hoceima National Park in Morocco, has benefited from various initiatives implemented by ...

    Published On: November 13th, 2023Categories: Actualités, news
  • The GEF, or Global Environment Facility, established the GEF Assembly Challenge Program to showcase and support community projects related to climate and nature, or unique ...

    Published On: November 13th, 2023Categories: news
  • One year after the closure of TransCap 1, the association GREPOM observed the first reproduction of the Common Tern on the floating raft installed in ...

    Published On: June 27th, 2023Categories: Actualités, news
  • After two phases of implementation and the positive results of the 12 projects from the supported organizations in Morocco and Tunisia, the General Directorate of ...

    Published On: June 26th, 2023Categories: Actualités, news
  • Zuwara - June 2023 In the far northwest and near the Libyan-Tunisian border lies the Berber city of Zuwara, long famous for its production of ...

    Published On: June 26th, 2023Categories: news, Non classifié(e)
  • The PPI OSCAN is not only a program for financing conservation projects for biodiversity, on the contrary, its particularity lies in its strategy of supporting ...

    Published On: June 26th, 2023Categories: news
  • The rural region of Hezma in the governorate of Medenine in southern Tunisia is one of the regions most subject to agricultural land degradation and ...

    Published On: June 26th, 2023Categories: news
  • In Tunisia, within the Bouhedma National Park, lies the only savannah landscape formed of steppe flora of Acacia tortilis. Because of the unique nature of ...

    Published On: June 22nd, 2023Categories: news
  • The islands of Kerkennah, a Tunisian archipelago in the Mediterranean well known for its beaches and sunsets, are also home to the remains of a ...

    Published On: June 22nd, 2023Categories: Actualités, news
  • The Moroccan Association for the Protection of Birds and Wildlife (AMPOVIS) is actively working in the conservation of vultures transiting through the northern part of ...

    Published On: June 22nd, 2023Categories: Actualités, news
  • Among the 27 organisations present at this event, 16 identified an opportunity for regional cooperation, 2 associations signed a bilateral partnership agreement, and 7 enjoyed ...

    Published On: June 5th, 2023Categories: Actualités, news
  • The International Day for Biological Diversity, held on 22 May each year, reminds us of the importance of protecting all forms of life on Earth ...

    Published On: May 19th, 2023Categories: Actualités, news
  • Last month, the 11 Libyan, Moroccan and Tunisian historical organisations of the PPI OSCAN 3 brought together the local population and all the partners of ...

    Published On: December 20th, 2022Categories: Actualités, news
  • Associations from Libya, Morocco or Tunisia running projects to support biodiversity conservation are kindly invited to read the rules of this call for projects. Small ...

    Published On: May 5th, 2022Categories: news

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Platform promoting civil society’s role in biodiversity protection and action against the effects of climate change. Developed by IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature, Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation).