The CULTURE VERTE project aims to promote the Nador region’s natural beauty and educate future generations on the importance of conserving species and ecosystems. To do this, the association will work on three areas:

  • Conservation through restoring and planting three hectares of the Gourougou forest
  • Training and socioeconomic development through workshops to help the local population develop pilot projects promoting natural resources and benefitting from a National Human Development Initiative programme grant
  • Awareness-raising by implementing an environmental education programme and planting workshops for pupils from four schools

Project budget: €14,410
TransCap grant budget: €10,000


The Culture Verte project is being implemented and financed as part of the TransCap programme coordinated by the IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation (IUCN-Med) and financed by the General Directorate of Cooperation of the Balearic Islands. The TransCap programme aims to consolidate the role of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) amidst the current challenges posed by environmental conservation and sustainable development in Morocco’s and Tunisia’s Mediterranean communities.