After two phases of implementation and the positive results of the 12 projects from the supported organizations in Morocco and Tunisia, the General Directorate of Cooperation from Balearic Islands renews its support to the TransCap program with a 3rd phase.

The TransCap programme to support civil society in the Maghreb is coordinated by IUCN-Med and funded by the General Directorate of Cooperation of the Balearic Islands since 2021. It supports sustainable development projects in Moroccan provinces and Tunisian governorates bordered by the Mediterranean. During its first two phases, the program supported 12 civil society organizations in Morocco and Tunisia to implement their project on sustainable natural resources management for the benefit of local populations. Learn more about TransCap 1-2 projects:

Launch of a third phase

Based on the positive results of the first two phases, the General Directorate of Cooperation of the Balearic Islands has renewed its support to the programme for a third phase 2023-2025. TransCap 3 will support 18-month projects whose main objective are to support local populations in the sustainable management of natural resources and the enhancement of the benefits of environmental conservation. Projects should benefit the local population, with priority given to youth and women, by strengthening their entrepreneurship and economic and social empowerment. A call for projects will be published on the IUCN website and TransCap Facebook page from 10 August to 20 September. The selected projects will be implemented between mid-November 2023 and May 2025. Only projects that meet the criteria of the call for projects will be considered.