Transformations and Sustainable Future: The Impact of the PPI OSCAN Program on the Ait Yahya Region in Morocco
The commune of Ait Yahya, located in the province of Midelt and at the heart of the Oriental High Atlas National Park, faces significant socio-economic and environmental challenges. This particularly fragile natural environment suffers from isolation and remoteness, which limit local initiatives. In the past, only a few small associations, lacking experience and adequate resources, were working in the region. The Tadrart Association for Mountain Development thus committed itself to addressing several issues threatening the biodiversity and sustainable development of this area. The association prioritized efforts to protect the Barbary sheep (Ammotragus lervia), a vulnerable species according to the IUCN Red List, emblematic of the region and threatened by the degradation of its natural habitat. Growing pressures due to anthropogenic factors, including overgrazing, wood cutting, and the expansion of agricultural areas, were jeopardizing the balance of this fragile ecosystem.
The support from PPI OSCAN 2 (2018-2021) marked a decisive turning point, enabling the association to professionalize its practices and adopt a more structured and sustainable approach. The project focused on three main pillars, all successfully achieved:
- Environmental Education: Raising awareness among local communities, especially the youth, about the importance of preserving the Barbary sheep and the biodiversity of the park, to foster collective awareness of environmental issues.
- Development of Income-Generating Activities in Green Professions:Encouraging local populations to adopt sustainable and environmentally friendly practices, thus reducing their dependence on the park’s natural resources and creating sustainable economic alternatives to reduce pressure on the Barbary sheep’s habitat.
- Promotion of Ecotourism: Highlighting the region’s natural and cultural assets through the development of ecotourism. Focused on environmental preservation and respect for local communities, the project has helped generate additional sources of income for residents while strengthening the protection of the park’s ecosystem.
Results of PPI OSCAN 3 and Current Impact:
The PPI OSCAN 3 program has significantly strengthened local awareness of endangered species conservation, actively involved youth and schoolchildren in preservation actions and initiatives, fostered cooperation with local partners, and improved the region’s tourism image through the creation of suitable reception infrastructure.
Concrete Results:
- 20 young entrepreneurs trained and supported in launching or developing their income-generating activities in green professions.
- A tourist reception space ideally located, well-equipped, and now ready to promote the region as an ecotourism destination.
- A network of 20 associations engaged in the sustainable development of the park’s territory and surrounding areas has been established and is operational.
- Local partners sensitized and mobilized to collaborate with the local civil society.
- The reception capacity of the Ait Yahya commune has doubled.
- The carbon footprint of Kasbah Aberdouz hotel has been reduced by 20%.
Sustainable Impact and Future Outlook:
Phases 2 and 3 of the PPI OSCAN programs enabled the association to strengthen its skills and clarify its vision for the future, focusing on specific areas such as environmental education, mobilizing local associations, consolidating relationships with local partners, formalizing agreements for long-term support, as well as developing sustainable tourism and supporting young entrepreneurs. Continuing these long-term efforts is essential to maintain the benefits achieved, ensure the sustainability of initiatives, and promote sustainable development. This will allow the association to remain a key actor in sustainability, inspiring new initiatives and mobilizing other communities in favor of local preservation.
The president of the association, Mr. Elhoussine Ouzerbane, stated: “The PPI OSCAN program has had a transformative impact not only on our association but also on the entire community. We have been able to strengthen our team’s skills and clarify our vision for the future. We are already seeing tangible changes in the region, and the association is now better equipped to continue its efforts and inspire other local initiatives. We are proud of the progress made and confident that the actions taken will bear fruit for future generations.”
Ce projet est mis en œuvre dans le cadre de la troisième phase du Programme de Petites Initiatives pour les OSC d’Afrique du Nord (PPI OSCAN), financé par le Fonds Français pour l’Environnement Mondial (FFEM), la Fondation MAVA et la Fondation Sigrid Rausing Trust. Les projets subventionnés visent à la conservation des espèces et écosystèmes présentant une biodiversité remarquable, et à la valorisation des bénéfices de la conservation et moyens de subsistance durable. Pour en savoir plus sur les projets PPI OSCAN 3 : 5.Projets – MUBADARAT (