Trans.sénia: Transforming pilot agro-forestry farms for better adaptation to weather conditions, regenerating olive groves and raising awareness of good farming practices.

Through the ‘Trans.sénia: farms in transition’ project, Les Amis du Capte Tunisia association aspires to promote and share good agro-forestry practices via a more sustainable agricultural operating model that is resilient to the effects of climate change. Four family-run farms have been launched in the Ghazella area of northern Tunisia, including one overseen by three women. The project has several phases, including firstly planting fruit and forest trees, developing two satellite nurseries and creating a shared composting unit, and secondly sharing knowledge and expertise through workshops with local farmers and families.

The ‘Trans.sénia: farms in transition’ project of Les Amis du Capte Tunisia association is being implemented and financed as part of the TransCap programme coordinated by the IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation (IUCN-Med) and financed by the General Directorate of the Balearic Islands. The TransCap programme aims to consolidate the role of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) amidst the current challenges posed by environmental conservation and sustainable development in Morocco’s and Tunisia’s Mediterranean communities.

Project video: TCP06 Trans.énia


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