Analyzing the movements of birds of prey using GPS tags and identifying the threats they face.

To address the alarming decline in numerous species of diurnal birds of prey in Morocco, a national conservation strategy is currently being prepared by the Agence des Eaux et Forêts, in collaboration with IUCN. To lay solid foundations, collecting data on the birds’ movements (migration, wandering) and causes of death is essential. That is the purpose of the AMPR project. Using 35 tags, it aims to expand the sampling already initiated during PPI-OSCAN 2, and so track the movements and causes of death of birds of prey in a large part of the country. As the GPS tracking of endangered fauna is still in its infancy in Morocco, the association’s data and analysis will support the development of the conservation strategy and specific action plan in collaboration with various sector stakeholders.
This project will also consolidate the AMPR’s expertise in endangered bird of prey conservation, an important issue across Morocco, and enable it to contribute even more effectively to the network of national and international actors in this field.

Anticipated results
Sampling at least 35 healthy birds of prey
Attaching 35 GPS tags and reintegrating the individuals into their natural environment
Tracking the birds of prey wearing GPS tags daily via the platform
Producing a field report on threat analysis
Proposing threat mitigation measures
Educating farmers on the use of chemical inputs and launch of organic measures