Restoring the Jodayem forest, a coastal forest ecosystem located 3 km to the east of the city of Al-Zawiya and 40 km to the west of Tripoli. The forest’s total surface area is 110 hectares, including 11 hectares characterized by a rocky area lying between the conifer forest and sea.

In recent decades, the deterioration of the forest ecosystem has accelerated rapidly, with a marked decline in biodiversity. The causes are multiple: the accumulation and lack of plastic waste management, erosion of the rocks protecting the wooded area, and the absence of monitoring or management plans.
In response to those threats, the Wildlife Trust aims to introduce a planning, monitoring and community management system for restoring and conserving the forest ecosystem. To do so, the trust partners local institutions, Civil Society Organizations, competent bodies and experts to support the national procedures for planning and restoring the Jodayem forest.

Anticipated results:

  • Publishing a scientific evaluation of the restoration initiatives
  • Improving current environmental governance and training a team to work on the restoration
  • Evaluating the current state of the Jodayem forest and identifying solutions to reduce the threats
  • Restoring and planting within 45 ha of forest