Conserving the biodiversity of the Wadi Kaam valley and coastal area.

Wadi Kaam is a coastal area rich in biodiversity with 8 km of coastlines bordered by large pine forests and a water source that extends over 1.5 km within one of Libya’s biggest valleys.

During the first phase of its PPI-OSCAN project, the association educated the local and national authorities on the importance of conserving the site and the need to bolster its protected status. Building on these actions, their current project includes the entire Wadi Kam ecosystem (dam, water source and coastal area) for wetland recognition and the launch of a plan to manage natural resources and reduce plastic pollution. The association will also focus on building the capacity of all stakeholders by training field teams on wetland management and the reintroduction of fish farming as a source of income for the local population.

Anticipated results:

Monitoring the entire ecosystem’s biodiversity and updating its data.
Training 35 interns on aquafarming and bird tracking. Awareness-raising publication and workshop on the area’s conservation
Providing containers for collecting and recycling plastic waste at the association’s head office
Redeveloping the tilapia farm.