
Mubadarat supports North African civil society initiatives in the field of nature conservation and sustainable development.

Carte projets


The PPI-OSCAN programme

The small-scale initiatives programme for Civil Society Organizations in North Africa (PPI-OSCAN) is financed by the French Facility for Global Environment (FFEM), the MAVA Foundation, and the Foundation Sigrid Rausing Trust. For 7 years, PPI-OSCAN supported 37 organizations in its first phase (2014–2017) and 43 in its second (2018–2021), and plans to support 11 historic organizations and some twenty others emerging during its third phase (2021–2024), through a call for projects in Morocco, Libya and Tunisia. The funded projects target conservation of the species and ecosystems presenting remarkable biodiversity, and promotion of the benefits of conservation and sustainable means of subsistence.

For more information on the PPI approach


To Discover PPI-OSCAN Projects

PPI OSCAN 1 Projects (2014-2017)
PPI OSCAN 2 Projects (2018-2021)
PPI OSCAN 3 Projects (2021-2024)

To see contributors to PPI-OSCAN


The TransCap programme

Initiated by funding from the General Directorate of the Balearic Islands in 2021, the TransCap programme supports projects addressing climate change and improving the living conditions of populations in Mediterranean Moroccan and Tunisian provinces. On the basis of two calls for projects, twelve organizations have received a grant to launch their initiative and join the IUCN-Med capacity-building programme.

2022–2024 projects by country



PPI OSCAN 3 – Edama for Nature Conservation

An Ambitious Project to Preserve the Coastal Ecosystem of Zuwara. An innovative project is taking shape within the administrative boundaries of the city of Zuwara, Libya, aiming to preserve over 56 hectares ...

PPI OSCAN 3 – Libyan Wildlife Trust

Restoring the Jodayem forest, a coastal forest ecosystem located 3 km to the east of the city of Al-Zawiya and 40 km to the west of Tripoli. The forest’s total surface area ...


PPI OSCAN 3 – Alp Atlas

Developing environmentally friendly ecotourism in Khenifra National Parc  The association aims to preserve endangered species while promoting ecotourism and water sports as sustainable solutions. Their PPI OSCAN project includes awareness campaigns, training young ...


PPI OSCAN 3 – Alp Atlas

Developing environmentally friendly ecotourism in Khenifra National Parc  The association aims to preserve endangered species while promoting ecotourism and water sports as sustainable solutions. Their PPI OSCAN project includes awareness campaigns, training ...


Platform promoting civil society’s role in biodiversity protection and action against the effects of climate change. Developed by IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature, Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation).